The Parenting Hall of Shame:  Now Accepting Members

The Parenting Hall of Shame:  Now Accepting Members

[This article was originally posted in 2007.]


“My young son was screaming for 45 minutes and I didn’t know how to comfort him.  I finally screamed back, ‘Sometimes I hate you!’” 


 “My son was two and scratched his baby brother’s face so hard that he left marks.  I spanked his bottom, like five hard swats.  Then I left the room, walked down the hall, turned back around and spanked him probably five more swats again.  I screamed at him so loud, I terrified him.”


“After I had told my daughter to watch out for her little brother running in front of the swing, she almost swung right into him.  I was so mad that even in front of other people at the park I said to her, ‘What’s wrong with you, are you stupid?!’”


These are some pretty awful parenting moments, aren’t they?  These “lash-out moments” are times when we’re so out of control that we say or do something we’d never let anyone else say or do to our child. 


But, actually, the confessions above come from good parents whom I know personally.  Like the rest of us, they lose it from time to time and say and do things they wish they hadn’t.


Can you add your own lash-out moment to the list above?  Of course you can:  you’re a parent, and you’re human. 


And I can add one of my own.  It’s a story I often tell when I’m giving one of my talks on parenting and the brain.  It’s a long (and in retrospect, hilarious) story that ends with a horrible moment when my 4-year-old sticks out his tongue at me and I very maturely respond by yelling, “If you stick that tongue out one more time, I’ll rip it out of your mouth!”


As I tell this story, the parents in the audience are locked in on me, eyes wide, leaning forward, smiling and listening to every word, like I’m telling a dirty secret.  They laugh throughout the story, partially identifying, partially relieved they aren’t the only ones, and loving hearing that “a parenting expert” loses her mind to the point where she threatens to physically remove one of her child’s body parts.


We all lose it from time to time.  We say mean things, we yell, we may even pull our child’s arm too firmly.  As I’ll discuss in an upcoming post, there’s something happening in our brains that explains these “lash-out” moments.  And in another post, I’ll explain why it’s so important that we quickly reconnect with our children and repair whatever emotional and relational damage has been done.


But for now, I want to focus on why we don’t talk about moments like these with other parents.  Why is it that when it comes to our lash-out moments with our kids, we all remain silent?  Is it really such a shocking epiphany that all parents occasionally lose control of their emotions and their better judgment?


In the spirit of confession, let me admit to you that one of my guilty pleasures has been watching the television program Desperate Housewives.  In one episode, a mother melts down, and her friends, who are also mothers, find her crying on a soccer field.  Her guard down, she tells them about her failures as a mother, and in response, her friends begin to share their own parenting blunders and shortcomings.  She then looks at them through tears and asks, “Why didn’t you ever tell me this?” 


And that’s my question for all of us:  Why do we keep our ugly parenting moments secret, even with the people closest to us?  Do we feel ashamed?  Do we feel like we’re the only ones who “go postal” from time to time?  Do we think these episodes mean we are bad parents? 


We freely share with one another many of the struggles we experience with our kids—she won’t eat anything besides waffles, he freaked out at swimming lessons, she clobbered someone at the park today.  Sharing these struggles helps us feel normal as parents, and helps us feel like our kids are normal. 


But what about our own struggles in our role as parents?


I am convinced that we pay a price when we choose to keep silent, rather than honestly sharing our own stories about times when we get furious with our kids and throw our own fits.  Sharing our worst moments allows us to comfort one another, to laugh about how crazy our kids are and how crazy we are right back, and then to look at our behavior with some insight so we can make better choices the next time. 


Soon after it happened, I reluctantly told one of my friends about my “rip your tongue out” episode, and she responded by saying, “Oh, that’s nothing!  One time I . . .  .”  My guilt evaporated.  We laughed.  We purged our secret parenting shame with more stories.  Her vulnerable, empathetic, and understanding response made me feel normal and less alone. 


So from that moment, I began watching for opportunities to share some of my “mean Mommy” moments—and I continue to get this type of response from friends who seem to be thirsting for a chance to confess and to be assured that they aren’t terrible parents.  Whenever I’m willing to confess first, the floodgates fly open.  I always love it when one of my friends now starts a conversation with “Listen to this one….”  (And don’t say you wouldn’t be interested in a story that begins like that!)


Before I close, let me stress that there are two things that I’m not saying here.  First, I’m not saying that there’s nothing wrong with losing control.  In fact, when we lose control, it stresses our kids and usually further amplifies their distress.  We want to be a haven in their storm, not the cause of it.  But here, I’m simply saying that we all mess up to some degree, and that we’ll all benefit greatly if we share with each other those stories. 


And second, I’m not talking about abuse.  If you find yourself frequently losing control, or losing control in such a way that you are in danger of actually harming your child, I want to strongly encourage you to seek professional help, for your and your child’s sake.


But if you’re a loving, caring parent who, like the rest of us, occasionally screws up, then why not give it a shot?  ‘Fess up to your friends.  Maybe you’ll even be a bit less horrified the next time your kid freely shares with the teenager behind the counter at Baskin Robbins, “Mama said she was gonna rip out my tongue.”



Practice saying yes to your feelings

Practice saying yes to your feelings

 It’s time for my son to fly south for the winter.

My eldest son leaves for college tomorrow.  Moving from California to Texas.  During the days, I’ve been enjoying time with him, purging and packing his room, buying and preparing for the dorm, and spending time with him.  We are having so many great moments together, like last week when we went to the beach to stop at a surf shop that has been a family favorite for three generations, and to eat at our favorite hole in the wall.  During the evening, most nights we eat dinner as a family, like tonight when we grilled and swam together, and he then leaves to be with his friends for many “last night to hang out with . . . “ as his friends peel off to their various colleges.  During the day and the evening, I’m happy.

I have moments of emotion that come softly, and occasionally I’ll have the “big feels” as my therapist friend calls them.  These moments are expected, but they still surprise me, like the time at our corner breakfast burrito place that we eat at way more often than is dignified, when my husband and two younger sons and I were sitting in a booth for four (unusual, since we are usually 5 and we don’t fit) and Ben wasn’t with us.  I began to ask our two younger boys about spring break next year. As the words “Ben won’t be with us for spring break, so it will just be the four of us . . .” came out of my mouth, I began to cry, and then sob, with what felt like projectile tears in this booth in this restaurant.  (And you have to know that I am a rare crier, so this was a moment.)  It surprised me that I felt it so much.  And the feeling was sadness, grief even.

But typically, aside from occasional moments where these “feels” well up and surprise me, during the day and evening, I’m happy and good and excited for him and so at peace.  I’m thoughtful not to make this about us and how much we will miss him, but about him and how he’s ready for this so that he can fly away without the weight of having to hold our sadness.  He’s an amazing kid who is strong, resilient, can solve problems, and is pretty good at taking care of himself.  He’s chosen a school that is a great fit for him and it’s where my husband and I went to school so we have many friends and family that he knows nearby.   We’ve taught him how to do most things he will need to know to live independently.  He’s spent 9 summers at sleepaway camp for 4-7 weeks, where he’s gone for weeks into the wilderness and handling the challenges nature throws at him (including bears!)  He can handle this.

 But what happens at night is not always so peaceful for me.  For a few nights last week, I woke up several times with my brain in overdrive thinking of all the things I need to tell him, and make sure he knows, so he can take care of himself in all the big and little ways we still help take care of him.  I wake up with tension in my jaw and I wake up anxious.   I’m curious about the anxiety and chaos, and remember that the last time I felt anxious like this was following the unexpected death of my father and something about this feels familiar, though under such different circumstances.  Now, I wake up anxious and buzzing with a million insignificant things he “needs to know”, (although a couple of them are significant—like making sure he knows not to run a car in an enclosed space!).  When I wake up and listen to what is inside of me and I assure myself that he can learn or figure out anything he needs to know just like I did (asking other people, calling parents, learning by doing and making mistakes) and now, in addition, via text and YouTube (which is great for learning how to get stains out, but why kid myself, he won’t be doing stain removal).  The anxiety softens and quiets and I know my kid has got this. (And, I will be making lists of all things I want to make sure he knows. Does he know to tip generously? Does he know you can’t leave clothes in the washer for hours before you put them in the dryer? Does he know to eat the BRAT—bananas, rice, applesauce, toast—diet instead of spicy Tex-Mex when he’s dealing with GI issues?)

I know I will get to keep parenting him and teaching him things.  And then what is left when I can clear the distraction of the “what else do I need to do and what if he doesn’t know . . . “ anxiety buzzing, is just that I’m going to miss him.  That I know that this is an end of an era.  That the dinner table won’t be the same without his humor and with his spot at the table empty.  That tonight will be the last night all five of us sleep under our roof when he lived at home.  Future nights of us all sleeping here will be when he’s visiting.  What is left is grief.  Good grief.

How wonderful that we’ve had the gift of him in our everyday lives for 18 years and that we enjoy him so much that he is going to be missed so much.  I’ve told him that he will likely feel a bit lonely and down and nervous and lost because he is leaving all he has known to do something totally new, and that he will really miss his close friends, and our dog, and us, and that this is normal and healthy.  And now I am telling myself this too.  About me feeling it.  So, I feel it.  Allow myself to feel it.  Almost, almost, even welcome it and befriend it.  I sit with it, and as I do, I am flooded with gratitude to have gotten to parent this boy and that we get to be part of his journey.  I’m even grateful for the sadness because I love this boy so much and when I say yes to the sadness, the anxiety falls away and then I can move to gratitude and then to enjoyment of these last days, and then to full joy and excitement for him about what is to come.  Especially when I can tell myself that my California boy is just flying south for the winter and he’ll be back.

Protect play. Protect sleep. Emphasize connection.

Protect play. Protect sleep. Emphasize connection.

All of us--kids, parents, teachers, everyone--are holding a heavy load right now, unsure what to anticipate as children go back to school this year. I get a lot of questions about how we “catch kids up” as they return.

My answer is very simple: Prioritize making them feel safe.

Because here’s the thing. They are where they are, developmentally. They are where they are, each of them as individuals: academically, socially, and emotionally. And it's the same in terms of their mental health, stress tolerance, and more. There will be a huge range in what we see as kids return to classrooms. We need to start by meeting them where they are. And guess where that starts: with safe, connected relationships.

Time invested in helping kids feel safe and grounded will pay off, leading them to be able to learn more this year than if we just focus on cramming academics. We learn best when we feel safe and connected.  High pressure mixed with high stress backfires, making it less likely kids will learn.

Remember that the brain makes associations from our experiences. Think about the interactions you have with your kids around school-related things. This year, work on providing experiences that help your child find enjoyment in learning, feeling positive about school, falling in love with ideas, and lead your child to know that you care more about them than their performance.

Yes, we want to challenge our children and encourage them to stretch--that's important--but we want to be careful not to be bathing them in stress day after day. And we want to be intentional about the associations they're creating about who they are as learners and students. (By the way, if your child is really struggling in school and hates all of it, talk to your child’s teacher and consider reaching out for some insight to chase the why! It can be very helpful to ensure there isn’t an underlying learning challenge.)

Teachers are given a very challenging task of taking kids where they are and getting them to the same academic milestones as usual. This should not lead us to  create a frenzied, high-pressure, intense demand for academics. It should lead us to taking the time to set kids up to be in the optimal state to learn the most. That means we start with helping them feel safe, happy, and connected. Protect play. Protect sleep. Emphasize connection. That’s when they’ll learn most.

Pants on Fire:  When Your Children Lie

Pants on Fire: When Your Children Lie

by Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.

I got an email from a mom who was worried about a problem that's common among parents of young children.  Here's what she wrote: 

"My almost five-year-old son is starting to lie. I’m worried that this is starting a terrible pattern, and I don’t know how to handle the situation. I’m just really upset because I’ve always stressed how important it is to tell the truth." 

Here are my suggestions for dealing with the subject of lying and young children.


Keep Perspective

First, take a deep breath.  At this stage, there isn’t anything to be overly worried about. You know the old joke about how to tell when a politician is lying (his or her lips are moving)? Well, that's not the case with young children, but most do tell fibs at this age.  It's perfectly normal.


See it as Good News

In fact, lying is developmentally normal—a promising sign that your child’s conscience and moral code are intact and budding. Ask yourself why your child is lying in a particular instance. More often than not, it’s because he’s already done something he knows isn’t right. So, his lie—intended to cover up his misdeed or evade your disapproval—begins with a moral intuition. I’m not saying that you should praise him for lying, of course; but recognize it for what it is—and try to build on that.


Fibbing Is Not Destiny

Right now, you may think that you’ve spawned the biggest little liar on the planet.  You can hardly look at her anymore without envisioning her in prison garb. But this is a normal and common developmental phase, not her future destiny.  Development dictates that children go through this stage, but it's a temporary state, not a permanent trait.


Be Willing to Press the Re-Set button

One of the best suggestions in terms of your response at this age is to avoid accusations, providing your child an out to save face. In other words, a child might lie defensively if she feels "put on the spot."  So when she starts to lie, gently stop her and say, “Let’s take a pause. It’s really important to me that you tell the truth. I'm going to give you a minute to think about what happened again to make sure you have all the details right. That way you can tell me the truth so we can keep trusting each other.” If she persists, tell her you really want to listen, but perhaps it’s best to wait to tell the story when she’s feeling ready to tell the truth. Make sure you come back to it to give her the chance. Then, really affirm the courage, explaining that when she tells you the truth she makes your trust stronger.


Use Stories to Make Your Point

In discussing truth and lies with my three-year-old, I’ve found that The Boy Who Cried Wolf has been very effective with him. Of course, no story makes a bigger impression on your child than your own: tell him about a time you lied as a child and what happened.  Be sure to talk about what you remember about that feeling inside when you know you haven’t been honest. Also, playing out some imaginary scenarios with your child may help draw out the fallout of dishonesty: what would happen if I told you I would take you to dinner tonight but then didn't?  How would you feel about that? Would you still be able to trust me the next time I promised?


Talk About Trust

When I know my sons are lying, I don’t say, “I don’t believe you.” Instead, I say, “It’s really important that you tell me what really happened, so I can believe you when you tell me things.” Once my boys got to be about six, I was able to use an analogy about a glass full of my trust in their words. When they lie, some of the trust evaporates. With the glass emptier, it’s harder to trust. But when they tell me the truth—especially when it’s hard to—the glass fills up and I can trust them more.  And as they’ve gotten into later childhood and early adolescence, we’re now talking about the relationship between trust and freedom.  With less trust, there is less freedom, and with more trust, there is more.


Use Your Powers of Granting Immunity

One time when my son, Luke, was four or five, I suspected he was trying to lie. When I asked him to step back, think about it, and tell it again, he said, “I don’t want to tell you.” I told him that was honest and I appreciated it.  We talked about how he was feeling and what his worry was in telling the truth--“It’s hard and scary sometimes to tell about something that you think will make someone else upset. I understand that.”—and then I granted him full immunity in telling the truth: “It’s very important to me that you tell me the truth.  Whatever you tell me, I won’t be mad at you.  We’ll just talk about it.” He told me the truth. And when I gushed about how great it was that he told the truth, even though it was hard, he felt proud (which reinforced honesty). 


Focus on What Matters

Usually, when my kids lie, I make a very little deal about the actual behavior they’re trying to cover up, while making a bigger deal about lying. (This has changed some, by the way, as my oldest has grown towards adolescence.) I want you to tell me anything, I will say to them, honesty is so important. Often, just talking about that is enough of a lesson. Speaking the truth is just an expected part of the family code, reinforced frequently: “In our family, we tell the truth.”



Learn with Me and Dan Siegel! New Video Series on "The Power of Showing Up"

Learn with Me and Dan Siegel! New Video Series on "The Power of Showing Up"

This video is from a parenting series Dr. Dan Siegel and I taught at 1440 Multiversity. We spent three days teaching parents and professionals the key concepts from our book THE POWER OF SHOWING UP. Our presentations that weekend were recorded, and now they’re available to you in a ten-hour video full of support, strategies, discussions, and hands-on exercises.

Here are a few take-aways you can expect:

* Explore what it means to truly “show up” in parenting and in life

* Make sense of your own parenting history

* Learn about attachment patterns

* Enhance your relationships with your child, your partner, and even with yourself If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, click the button above to learn more and stream now.

Senior in High School? What to do NOW, months before they leave

Senior in High School? What to do NOW, months before they leave

Here’s a video I recorded for all the parents of high school seniors out there. Because now is the time to ask ourselves, “What skills does my kid need between now and the day they start college?” Do they know how to make their own doctor’s appointments? Do they know how to refill a prescription? Do they know where their insurance card is? Do they know how to maintain their car if they have one? Do they know how to do laundry, including treating stains? Start observing with your kid, and notice the things that they keep asking help for. And what things are you still doing for them? What skills does that then lead us to think about having them work on? It may be time for you to step back a little bit so they can step up and start offering tutelage on those things now.

What Kids Need Most During Difficult Times

What Kids Need Most During Difficult Times

In this video, I share what the science tells us about what we should do when our kids are going through something really difficult. That in times of good, but especially in times of bad, what your kids need most from you in order to be resilient and in order to weather difficulty, is you.

Imperfect you.

Flawed you.

Sometimes falling apart you.

We have so much power by just being in relationship with our kids and this is what Dr. Dan Siegel and I call "showing up". By offering our parental presence and helping our kids feel safe, seen, and soothed, we develop this thing called secure attachment--which is one of the best predictors for how well they turn out. Watch the video to hear more and I hope it helps.

About My Upcoming Book, THE BOTTOM LINE FOR BABY

About My Upcoming Book, THE BOTTOM LINE FOR BABY

In this video, I talk about my upcoming book, The Bottom Line for Baby—why I wrote it and what it’s all about. It’s the book I’ve wanted to write ever since I had my first child and I can’t wait to share it with you. The book addresses over 60 topics that parents get a lot of confusing and contradictory information about (such as co-sleeping, pacifier use, extended breastfeeding, etc.). The book is alphabetized, and each topic is organized for harried new parents in a quick-read format with three main sections:

  • Competing Opinions: the main perspectives/arguments about that topic. For example, you might hear one thing from your mother-in-law, and something very different from your friend at the gym.

  • What the Science Says: a short summary of the most recent scientific literature about the subject.

  • The Bottom Line: the “here’s what it all comes down to” message. Sometimes this will be that the science is clear on the topic; other times the bottom line might be that the science isn’t well established yet, so parents should trust their instincts and follow their baby’s lead. Then Dr. Bryson covers some factors to consider as parents decide what’s best for their family. 

Many of the topics conclude with “A Personal Note,” where I share stories about my own or someone else’s parenting struggle related to that topic, or discuss funny memories from when I had my newborns.

As I explain in this video, my goal in creating the book was to help new parents become more informed as they make decisions for their kids. More importantly, it will help parents feel more empowered to trust themselves and their babies, and stop being so hard on themselves. A repeated message throughout is that once caregivers have gathered the latest information, they can just listen to their instincts and then trust that they’re doing a great job simply by being intentional—even when they mess up.

Sending Your Kid to College in a Pandemic

Sending Your Kid to College in a Pandemic

This video is for all the parents out there who are preparing to send their kids back to college in a pandemic. Fears and anxieties may be coming up, especially if this is your child's first year away, so here are a few strategies to help you think through this transition and to mange those worries. I hope it helps and good luck. I'm thinking about all of you and we're going to get through this together.

[Video] Helping Kids with Anxiety About School

[Video] Helping Kids with Anxiety About School

In this video, Dr. Tina Payne Bryson talks about how parents can help kids who might be experiencing anxiety about school.

Dr. Bryson is the co-author (with Dan Siegel) of two New York Times Best Sellers—The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline—each of which has been translated into dozens of languages, as well as The Yes Brain and The Power of Showing Up and the forthcoming Bottom Line for Baby. She is the Founder and Executive Director of The Center for Connection, a multidisciplinary clinical practice in Southern California. Dr. Bryson keynotes conferences and conducts workshops for parents, educators, and clinicians all over the world, and she frequently consults with schools, businesses, and other organizations.  An LCSW, Tina is a graduate of Baylor University with a Ph.D. from USC. The most important part of her bio, she says, is that she’s a mom to her three boys. You can learn more about Dr. Bryson at

New Podcast: Baby in the House!

New Podcast: Baby in the House!

Welcome to Baby in the House, the podcast where pediatrician, Phil Boucher, M.D., and I tackle all those tough parenting questions where everyone's got an opinion, from grandparents, to neighbors, to that nosy lady behind you at the line in the grocery. Where we examine the research, sharing our experiences and those of the families we care for. 

We give you the clarity and confidence you need to make the right choices for your baby and family. Without guilt, confusion, or analysis paralysis. 

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Talking to Kids (and Informing Ourselves) About Race, Racism, Prejudice, & the Protests

Talking to Kids (and Informing Ourselves) About Race, Racism, Prejudice, & the Protests

Many in our community are just waking up to the reality of the systemic racism that prevails in our nation. Others have been painfully aware of its existence throughout their lives. I know that I’ve been changed by the events of the last few weeks, and I’m working hard to listen and grow as I more fully understand the challenges people of color face on a daily basis. In my personal and professional life, I’m examining who I am, and how I can more effectively support Black people and other minorities and confront prejudice. As we seek for meaningful ways to respond and enact change, one of the best steps we can take is to continue to educate ourselves.

And we want to find ways to talk to our children as well.  For some of us, this won't be our first experience of talking with our kids about prejudice. For others, it might be the first time we’re addressing the uncomfortable topics of race and privilege. I know these conversations won’t always be easy, but they’re so important. 

You’ll find below a few starting places we can all use to more fully inform ourselves and talk to our kids about race and how to fight racism. These sources can give you some tools to help your kids understand how to recognize and combat various forms of prejudice, know what to do when they see it, talk about the images and headlines they might be seeing on the news and social media, and foster self-love and promote a healthy cultural identity. 

NY Times article on books to help parents explain racism and the current protests.

Wall Street Journal article on how to talk with children about the protests with advice from pediatricians, educators and other experts.

Kid-friendly movies to help teach kids about racism.

Anti-racism library resources by

[Video] Helping Our Kids Manage Disappointment Over Cancelled Summer Plans

[Video] Helping Our Kids Manage Disappointment Over Cancelled Summer Plans

In this video, Dr. Tina Payne Bryson talks about the disappointment our kids might feel as their summer activities are being cancelled due to the pandemic. There may be highs and lows, and bumps in the road as they deal with anger, sadness, and frustration. But as parents, we can prepare by anticipating that our kids might need a little more support from us, not just when we tell them but throughout the summer. Watch the full video to learn more.

Dr. Bryson is the co-author (with Dan Siegel) of two New York Times Best Sellers—The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline—each of which has been translated into dozens of languages, as well as The Yes Brain and The Power of Showing Up and the forthcoming Bottom Line for Baby. She is the Founder and Executive Director of The Center for Connection, a multidisciplinary clinical practice in Southern California. Dr. Bryson keynotes conferences and conducts workshops for parents, educators, and clinicians all over the world, and she frequently consults with schools, businesses, and other organizations.  An LCSW, Tina is a graduate of Baylor University with a Ph.D. from USC. The most important part of her bio, she says, is that she’s a mom to her three boys. You can learn more about Dr. Bryson at

[Video] Don't Worry: Your Kid Will Catch Up

[Video] Don't Worry: Your Kid Will Catch Up

Hear from Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, co-author (with Dan Siegel) of two NYT Best Sellers—The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline—each of which has been translated into dozens of languages, as well as The Yes Brain and The Power of Showing Up and the forthcoming Bottom Line for Baby.

In this video, Dr. Bryson offers soothing words to parents—namely, your kids will catch up!

[Video] Managing Expectations for Ourselves and for Our Kids

[Video] Managing Expectations for Ourselves and for Our Kids

Hear from Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, co-author (with Dan Siegel) of two NYT Best Sellers—The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline—each of which has been translated into dozens of languages, as well as The Yes Brain and The Power of Showing Up and the forthcoming Bottom Line for Baby.

In this video, she speaks about the importance of managing our expectations, not just for our kids but for ourselves too.

[Video] During the Pandemic: Focus on Connection

[Video] During the Pandemic: Focus on Connection

Hear from Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, co-author (with Dan Siegel) of two NYT Best Sellers—The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline—each of which has been translated into dozens of languages, as well as The Yes Brain and The Power of Showing Up and the forthcoming Bottom Line for Baby.

In this video, she speaks about the importance of focusing on connection during the coronavirus pandemic.

[Video] What to do if your kid is complaining more than usual

[Video] What to do if your kid is complaining more than usual

Feeling annoyed with your kid complaining a lot? Here are some tips for how to respond so they will want to keep talking to you. For more videos to support you while parenting during this challenging time, see below:

  1. A message to parents

  2. Fear messaging vs. safety messaging

  3. Two things that increases chronic stress and two things that reduce it

  4. Hit the reset button on parenting

You can find additional resources by clicking here.

Dr. Bryson is the co-author (with Dan Siegel) of two New York Times Best Sellers—The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline—each of which has been translated into dozens of languages, as well as The Yes Brain, The Power of Showing Up and her upcoming title, Bottom Line for Baby. She is the Founder and Executive Director of The Center for Connection, a  multidisciplinary  clinical practice, and of The Play Strong Institute, a center  devoted to the study, research, and practice of play therapy through a neurodevelopmental lens. Dr. Bryson keynotes conferences and conducts workshops for parents, educators, and clinicians all over the world, and she frequently consults with schools, businesses, and other organizations.  An LCSW, Tina is a graduate of Baylor University with a Ph.D. from USC. The most important part of her bio, she says, is that she’s a mom to her three boys. You can learn more about Dr. Bryson at

[Video] Hit the Reset Button on Parenting

[Video] Hit the Reset Button on Parenting

In this video, I talk about ways to hit the restart button on our parenting approach. It’s never too late to start again and make repairs with our children. For more videos to support you while parenting during this challenging time, see below:

  1. A message to parents

  2. Fear messaging vs. safety messaging

  3. Two things that increases chronic stress and two things that reduce it

  4. What to do if your kid is complaining too much

Dr. Bryson is the co-author (with Dan Siegel) of two New York Times Best Sellers—The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline—each of which has been translated into dozens of languages, as well as The Yes Brain, The Power of Showing Up and her upcoming title, Bottom Line for Baby. She is the Founder and Executive Director of The Center for Connection, a  multidisciplinary  clinical practice, and of The Play Strong Institute, a center  devoted to the study, research, and practice of play therapy through a neurodevelopmental lens. Dr. Bryson keynotes conferences and conducts workshops for parents, educators, and clinicians all over the world, and she frequently consults with schools, businesses, and other organizations.  An LCSW, Tina is a graduate of Baylor University with a Ph.D. from USC. The most important part of her bio, she says, is that she’s a mom to her three boys. You can learn more about Dr. Bryson at